Since 1993 Mandurah Graphics have been providing top quality design and printing from concept to finished product, the reason for this being that our team are all qualified professional designers. The reason our printing is of such high quality is that we spend a lot of effort in pre-press setup and proofing and ensure that there are no surprises for the client when the job is delivered. No job proceeds to the press until an approval is signed off by the client which ensures that no mistakes are made, and that the client knows exactly how their job will look.
Most printers & printing services place very little emphasis on quality and claim to offer a complimentary artwork & design service. When shopping around for prices we strongly urge you to weigh up the desired quality and visual impact of your printed material, and to check some examples of printers’ work and compare it to our folio.

Offset Printing
The majority of the work we produce is printed using the 4 colour process offset printing method. This works well for 99% of jobs we produce, but there are limitations with 4 colour process printing in that sometimes printing spot Pantone colours can produce brighter and more vibrant colours. We have a large network of printers we use depending on the specifications of the client and the job. Our services include full colour or spot colour:
Business Cards
Presentation Folders
Digital Printing
Often clients need only a handful of brochures or posters to test a new product or service. This can be done cost effectively by use of digital technology, printing files direct to laser printers or dye-submission printers giving a top quality result at a fraction of the cost. Anything you need printed can also be done in small runs using digital output from 1 colour A6 flyers right through to huge full colour banners and posters.